My Weekend R&R Pictured Above: (Part of Healing Protocol)
This posting is a compilation of protocols about Detoxing and Cleansing, Nourishing and Protecting the body. This is a 2-page document that I compiled this morning, after several years of research and experience. I will update this periodically to keep it fresh.
*7-Step Protocol for Cancer/Disease. Shared Research and Experience.
(Suggestions if it was my Daughter, Husband, etc.)
Pamela Cohen, MSW 503-429-0240
Personalized Testimonials, Health Info CD's and Research available upon Request. Emailed or mailed.
1. Order a Parasite Cleanse from for $16.99 -Dr. Hulda Clark’s 3-ingredient blend to kill 100 different parasites in all 3 stages. (18 day Cleanse) For the mop-up cleanse, (to make sure you get all stages of any parasite, see Dr. Clark’s recommendations on Dr. Hulda Clark said she never saw a patient with cancer that did not have parasites. They weaken the host, rob nutrients to deplete the immune system, etc. and cause unresolved inflammation in the body’s organs w/ residual waste products from their 3-stage life cycle. I recommend MMS for the ‘mop-up’ to finish off parasite stages, as it also kills a broader range of pathogens. See #2 below. Parasites can reinfect the weakened organs, so cleanse pets. Info sent w/ cleanse. Dr. Clark recommends no inside pets because of this, but sends info on how to cleanse pets w/ the kit.
2. MMS –Sodium Chlorite. Has cured over 75,000 cases of Malaria. Has been successful for Giardia, cancers, strep, laryngitis, TB, appendicitis, fungus, AIDS and other disease involving pathogens. Acidic substances are oxidated, and the molecular pieces eliminated from the body. MMS doesn’t harm beneficial flora. Has been used orally, by IV, bath and enema. Follow Directions. Approx. $25.50 w/ S/H. for information. Order the DVD, book or MMS Kit w/ Citric Acid Activator at the site below:
Order at (Uses 1-15 drops of MMS w/ citric acid.)
3. Gentle Colon Cleanse use 5 Shaklee products: Herb Lax, Alfalfa, Optiflora (probiotic) Fiber, Liver DTX. Use one product for a week and add the next. Use up the bottle. This is a Detox, and readies the intestinal tract to absorb nutrients. **Very Important to do this step to cleanse and alkalinize. 90% of ALL DISEASE STARTS IN THE COLON. Diet (#6) will help to tip you to Alkaline.
4. Order the ‘RX for Health’ or a Personal Health and Wellness Program from Shaklee. Ask for the Health and Wellness Questionnaire-lists symptoms under depleted nutrient (No Charge) or get a Blood Panel done from your doctor to see which nutrients you are deficient or low in. Insure your body gets the vitamins, minerals and protein it needs for repair and Optimal Health.
5. Daily exercise in the sun. ie: walk, dance, tennis, or do activities you love. Yoga is great for stretching, muscle tone and breathing to oxygenate. Reduce stress. Relax. Protect 1 day a week for gardening, drives, visiting friends and family, etc. Listen to music you love.
6. Eat mainly fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Use soy or quality whey protein instead of those with saturated fats in meats and dairy. Drink fresh veggie juices, protein and green smoothies. Avoid sugar, sodas, alcohol and cancer-initiating events: toxins, Radiation, mercury in dental fillings, insecticide/pesticide/herbicide use and exposure, immune suppressants like steroids and cortisone, hormones in dairy and HRT, hair dyes with aluminum and toxins, skin care and personal care products unsafe to absorb, toxic cleaners for family, pets, or employees to absorb and breathe, high stress environments, etc.
*Increase self-care during times of personal loss, care taking, transitions, etc.
Drink clean filtered water-8-12 cups per day. Decreases fatigue, 80% of aches and pains, hunger, bladder, colon and other types of cancer. Socialize with positive people. Learn new skills, etc.
Healthy recipes: ie: and
7. Recommended if needed: Liver and Gallbladder Flush. See Proven to work. Avoid Surgery Whenever Unnecessary. Ask for CD: Recovering From Surgery.
Food Supplements:
• Don't waste your time, health and money on cheap products not clinically tested. Don't have a 'garage sale mentality' with your life and health. Food supplements that are not bio-available don’t get into the blood stream to be used by the body. Shaklee products get in the blood stream FAST. Shaklee excels in Delivery Systems=getting the nutrient where it’s needed, opening up in the right part of the body. Ie: Their Probiotic actually gets to the colon.
• Think Food…Supplements. We don’t argue about the number of peas on our plate.
• Food Supplements should be natural, not synthetic coal-tar based derivatives known to cause cancer (smell the product in the bottle).
• Not so large and compressed they will never dissolve. (Bedpan Bullets)
• No herbs that aren’t standardized so ingredients are inconsistent or not found.
• Lots of ingredients thrown in to look good on the label but too insignificant to do any good and ingredients not tested together for effectiveness, etc.
• Impure raw ingredients with lead, pesticides and fungicides. See FDA site for a list of vitamins with lead:
• Made in a Pharmaceutical-grade Facility by a carbon-neutral company.
• Manufactured by a ‘Company with a Conscience’ that’s been around for 50+ years.
• No Genetically Modified (GMO) products.
• No alcohol-processed soy protein to ruin the isoflavones that help the body stop tumor growth (angiogenesis), and protect from breast and prostate cancer. You want 50% calcium added to neutralize the acidity of soy.
• You want low heat, water-processing and removal of the anti-thyroid substance w/ soy.
• No high-heat processing to kill enzymes needed for absorption, etc.
• Healthy weight products have extra Leucine to preserve lean muscle mass. Losing muscle in crazy diets mean lowered metabolism and regaining of weight.
• Clinical studies using their own products published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Not infomercials or borrowed science or products bought at job-shops that are often untested for e-coli, salmonella, lead, fungicides and pesticides.
• Whey products that taste great and work, have extra Leucine and are 99% lactose free.
• No artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners or toxic preservatives used.
• Use a multi-vitamin with 100% biotin, (needed to keep Candida from evolving into the fungal form) 45% calcium, coated with folic acid for immediate absorption in the stomach.
• Trust a 50+ yr. old company with proven, patented delivery systems specializing in potency, purity, and performance.
• US ski and snowboarding team, Dean Karnazes-Ultramarathon Man, NASA & numerous Olympic Gold Medalists choose Shaklee's products for good reason.
*Email or call for your copy of:
1. Gentle Colon Cleanse,
2. Health and Wellness Survey,
3. Requests for the Health Info. CD’s listed below: (No charge if you pass them on.)
*Educational CD’s Available on Natural Cancer Solutions, Natural Solutions for Women’s, Health, Natural Solutions for Men’s Health, Diet-Digestion and Colon Health, Arthritis, Healing Power of Zinc, Mal-absorption, Diabetes, Sports Nutrition, Acid-Alkaline Balance, Male and Female Infertility, Vivix, Eating Disorders, PMS, Diabetes, Bone and Joint Health, Cleaners-Toxic Time Bomb, Environmental Toxins, etc. for a list of Natural Cancer Solutions from Medical Doctors and Discovery. See the Post on: 1-30-09.
Pamela Cohen, MSW 503-429-0240
To order Shaklee Food Supplements, Cleaners and Personal Care Products for a Healthier You:
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