This is the Basic Parasite Cleanse for Pets from Dr. Clark, courtesy of
Pets are part of your family and should be kept healthy and parasite-free. Dr. Clark felt it was important to keep them on the Maintenance Program continuously.
1. Parsley Water: This has to be made by you. Cook a bunch of fresh parsley (approx. 1-2 inches thick at the stems) in a quart of water for 3 minutes. Make sure the parsley is completely submerged under the water. Drain and throw away the parsley. After cooling, you may freeze most of it in small cup containers or plastic freezer bags.
Put 1 teaspoon of parsley water on the pet's food. The parsley water is important for their kidneys. Continue with this dosage of parsley water for one week before beginning with the black walnut.
All the dosages are based on a 10 lb. dog or cat. Double them for a 20 lb. animal, and so forth.
2. Black Walnut Tincture. Put 1 drop of Black Walnut Tincture on the pet's food.
For cats, do this ONLY twice a week. For dogs, do this daily. For a 30 lb. dog, put 3 drops, but work up to it, increasing 1 drop per day.
3. Wormwood Capsules. Begin with the wormwood capsules 1 week afgter starting the Black Walnut. Open a capsule and put just a pinch of their food. Do this for a week before adding the clove capsules.
4. Clove Capsules. Open a capsule and put just a pinch on their food.
An example: A 20 lb. cat would be taking:
2 teaspoons of parsley water
2 drops of Black walnut tincture (twice a week for cats.)
1 pinch of Wormwood
1 pinch of Cloves. (After a week of Wormwood, you start this.)
An example: A 60 lb. dog would be taking:
6 teaspoons of parsley water
6 drops of Black Walnut tincture daily
1 pinch of Wormwood
1 pinch of Cloves
To Keep You Healthy, try the Basics:
For Healthy Kids:
Immune Boosting: (I read a post of someone with Stage 3 Pancreatic Cancer, who took the Basics and then 6 Nutriferon every night, until all signs of cancer were gone at about 4 1/2 months.
"I’d like to share with you what I’ve learned and hopefully you’ll have an openness to hear it. Jim Burke was a cancer specialist and his recommendation of 8 oz. of Shaklee Energizing Soy Protein and 9 NutriFeron comes through Marty and Lynn Fredricks whose friend went from Stage 3 pancreatic cancer in 4 1/2 months later being told there was NO SIGN OF IT! Elena tells me the magic is taking 6 NutriFeron at night. This, of course, is along with your other supplements, no sugar, enough sleep, good exercise to a sweat, detoxifying, getting good hydration with good water, destressing, and eating raw fruits and vegetables as a foundation of your nutrition. Dr. Bevacqua highly recommended juicing from a previous blog I left. While in Mexico, Suzanne and I ate so regularly and healthy and I took my protein and had my additional supplements to the Vitalizer like clockwork!!"
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